“50% Off” May Not Be Such A Bargain

Say you’re out doing your errands and you drive by a major craft chain store.  They have all these signs and banners out front proclaiming “50% Off Custom Framing!”.  “Wow”, you think, “Such a bargain!  I ought to bring them that wedding photo I’ve been meaning to get framed!”

Turns out you won’t be getting the bargain you think you’re getting.  If you notice carefully, there are ALWAYS signs like this out in front of the store.  The percentage may vary, say, from 40% to 60%, but the idea is the same.  Every day they’re doing custom framing for an average of “50% off”.

This can only mean one thing: their “50% off” price IS their regular price.  They’re simply doubling their prices, then offering you 50% off so you can believe you’re getting a deal.  The Attorney General of the State of New York agrees with this.  After a two-year investigation, Michael’s recently settled with the State of New York for $1.8 million over deceptive advertising practices for custom framing.

At Baldwin Hill Art & Framing we offer no-gimmick pricing and top quality service every day.  We actually sent out secret shoppers to some “50% off” big-box stores in the area, and sure enough their “50% off” price was within a few dollars of our everyday honest price.  Let our dedicated staff design a frame that will preserve your treasures and show them at their best!

Frame Of The Week – “Ten Ten Ten”

Today’s vocabulary word is “decagon”, which is a 10-sided regular polygon.

Our latest creation shows what we can do with multi-sided frames!  This year is the 10th anniversary of Natick Artists Open Studios.  We built a prototype 10-sided frame and showed it to a number of Open Studios artists; one of them (David Kahn) realized that this was the perfect showcase for his own 10-sided creation!

This piece is called “Ten Ten Ten”.  It consists of ten photographs, each of ten items, and each photo is repeated ten times spiraling in towards the center.  It will be on display at the Morse Institute Library in Natick through October.  This print will be available in a signed, limited edition for $300 unframed, $700 in a rectangular frame with a 10-sided mat opening, and $900 in the special 10-sided frame.