We love it when people bring us out-of-the-ordinary items to frame! We’re always up for a challenge, and we can frame just about anything.
This customer brought us a jigsaw puzzle of a beautiful panorama of the Boston skyline. The puzzle alone was over 38 inches long. With mat borders the finished piece was a little over 44 inches long, making the piece officially “oversized”. The customer wanted whitespace between the puzzle and the top mat, so we dry-mounted the puzzle to the backer board and put a spacer between the backer board and the top mat.
A word of caution to those bringing us jigsaw puzzles to be framed: be sure to secure the puzzle properly during transport. You can either use a puzzle roll-up mat or sandwich the puzzle between two sheets of cardboard and tape them together. The customers who brought this puzzle learned their lesson the hard way: they had simply placed it on a board in the back seat… and then they hit a pothole. When they came into the shop they had half a puzzle and a pile of pieces. We set them in a corner where they could reassemble the puzzle while we tended to other customers. Eventually all the pieces fell into place and the result is the beautiful framed project you see here!
Bring us your piece of whimsy and let us put it on your wall in style!